Grateful Patients and Families Program
Express Gratitude Through Giving
Gratitude is a powerful expression of the heart. You or your loved one just finished a stay at the hospital and you want to show your appreciation for the compassionate care you received. Our Grateful Patients & Families Program offers you and your family a meaningful way to express your thanks to the physicians, nurses, technicians, and other caregivers who helped you through this journey.
If you are grateful for the care you received at one of our hospitals, say thank you to your caregivers with a contribution to Mercy Foundation North. Write a personal note of thanks to your caregiver, which Mercy Foundation North will share with your caregiver (gift amounts will remain anonymous).
Your support has a direct impact on the community by funding critical hospital programs and services that otherwise would not be available to those in need.
Show your appreciation for a compassionate caregiver – make a gift in their honor today.
Make an online donation today, or to learn more, contact Randi Slaughter at the Foundation at (530) 247-3425.